


Tane translates as 'man' and is also the name of the Atua (god) of the forest and birds. In the Creation story Tane is the son who separated his parents, Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatuanuku (Earth Mother), so light could flow into the world.

Moko is a form ancient Maori tattooing that used a chisel (uhi) made of albatross bone to carve or create grooves into the skin. A Tohunga-ta-moko (moko specialist) applied pigment into these grooves which consisted mainly of awheto (vegetable caterpillar) and various charcoals. Each moko design differed from another which usually signaled a persons status and rank.

Heru (hair ornaments) were used by Maori men to fasten their long hair into a topknot. Heru also indicated the rank of the wearer and were either made of wood or prized whale bone.

The head is the most tapu (sacred) part of the body. Many rituals or karakia (incantations) had to be performed before and after the head came in to contact with another person or object.

Tane is a tribute to taha-tane - the male essence.