
Whatumanawa is about emotional balance - whatu meaning ‘eye’ and manawa meaning ‘of the heart’ - ‘the all seeing eye of the heart’. From Whatumanawa the seeds of love are conceived. Love is a fundamental human emotion that is essential to our core existence and which benefits our Soul on so many levels.

Our ancient Maori stories talk about a great love, the world’s first love, between Ranginui and Papatuanuku (Sky Father and Earth Mother). So much love-energy flowed between these two forces that they held tightly together, refusing to let go.

However, the many children born to these two great beings were not content within this limited space and eventually wrenched their parents apart. Ka Awatea (the emergence of light) brought a new dawn to the earth - a new age. For the first time ever night turned to day. With this new light force in the world, Papatuanuku’s body began to flourish with an abundance of life energies.
(Excerpt from NIU - He Tangata Matauhi, Voices of our Ancestors)